Sunday, March 8, 2009


for my papa.
Left to Right: Corn chips, chocolate chips and craisins, refried beans and chili with a deformed shredded cheese heart
Not pictured: Apple

This is pretty much a leftovers bento. Momma's sick, so I defrosted and heated up some pre-made chili [ her chili, none of this crap from a can ] for dinner and heated up some refried beans and we had that for dinner. It was also a lazy bento because I was exhausted [ i'm still trying to kick my sinus infection ]

So it's pretty much the chili and beans that didn't get finished. I then used my largest heart cutter to try and put a cheese shape with the shredded mexican cheese we have. But, it didn't quite work out very well and I had to form it into a heart kinda. Oh well, it probably melted every which way when my dad heated it up.

Then I put some chocolate chips into a bag, and thought fruit would be nice with chocolate, so I threw some craisins in with it, thinking and hoping it'd be a good combination [ the sour and tang of the craisins with the sweet chocolate ]. I also threw some corn chips into a bag, since he likes them with chili.

In the morning my Mom threw in an apple, since we have more than we know what to do with, and they should be eaten before they go bad.

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